Sunday 16 August 2015

Scandi-licious part 3

Hello people,

Not a lot of chance to post yesterday as it was a very long intense day.

First off Nigel took the Armada title to become Nordic, and as such European, Champion!

For myself I ended up going 5-1 to claim 10th in the Swiss and my first top 16 cut which is immensely pleasing. Unfortunately my dice let me down in the first round this morning but I was a good close, fun game.....even against Dual IG.

International Prize Sniping was however achieved with some funky Crit tokens, especially appropriate as Boba took five in the final game ;)

Over the weekend my dice were decidedly rpoey but I flew pretty well and lucked out a couple of times with two very close match wins. The loss was unfortunate as the guy slow played me from turn 1 as an obvious tactic. It was the worst game of X-Wing I've ever played but thankfully it didn't effect the trip particularly.

That being said there were issues with the trip as a whole. Event logistics creaked, accommodation was an issue which stretched the budget past expectation.

On the upside were 6 good games, 3 of which were excellent. Top 16 is an achievement that I'm very proud of and one that spurs me on further. The 186 were excellent company an the majority of the very european field were excellent to chat to. Lots of quality banter!

The icing on the cake was the superb burger place that provided lunch three days in the row :)

Despite the feeling that the trip could have been more than it was we'd definitely do it again, just better planned. A case of being somewhat wiser from the experience.....overall a highly enjoyable one :)

Thank you Copenhagen!

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